Mead & mead

What is the best way to drink mead / mead?

drink mead

The glass

The ideal honey wine glass should be unpolished, colorless and thin-walled and have a goblet that narrows towards the top. A long stem has the advantage that the glass can be swirled easily, allowing the aromas to unfold and the color and purity to be better assessed. For complete enjoyment, the glasses should only be filled about a third full, because an overfull glass is difficult to swirl.

Those who prefer it medieval can also enjoy the honey wine from drinking horns or drinking horn cups.

The temperature

Honey wine can be drunk cold or warm, depending on your own taste buds. We recommend a temperature between 7-18 degrees.

For a warm honey wine you can slowly heat the drink to approx. 60° and season it as you like.

The storage

If there is any leftover from a bottle, the rest must be drunk within 5-7 days. Cork bottles are stored horizontally, other closures are stored upright.